ERP Anti Ragging Jobs NSS Swayam Portal MGUG-Quiz
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Fee Structure

Fee Structure:

SN Programmes Offered No. of Seats *Fees (Excluding
Examination Fees except Ph.D.) in ₹
1. BAMS 100 265800 per year
2. Ph.D. Ayurveda 32 125000 First year
100000 Second year
150000 Last year
3. ANM 100 65000 per year
4. GNM 100 90000 per year
5. Basic B. Sc. Nursing 100 60000 per semester
6. Post Basic B. Sc. Nursing 20 105000 per year
7. M. Sc. Nursing 40 130000 per year
8. Diploma in Lab Technician 60 55000 per year
9. Diploma in Optometry 30 55000 per year
10. Diploma in Anaesthesia and Critical Care Technician 30 55000 per year
11. Diploma in Orthopedic and Plaster Technician 30 55000 per year
12. Diploma in Emergency and Trauma care Technician 30 55000 per year
13. Diploma in Dialysis Technician 30 55000 per year
14. B.Sc. (Hons/Research) Biotechnology As per NEP-2020 60 25000 per semester
15. B. Sc. (Hons/Research) Biochemistry As per NEP-2020 30 25000 per semester
16. B.Sc. (Hons/Research) Microbiology As per NEP-2020 30 25000 per semester
17. B.Sc. (Hons/Research) Medical Biochemistry As per NEP-2020 30 25000 per semester
18. B.Sc. (Hons/Research) Medical Microbiology As per NEP-2020 30 25000 per semester
19. M.Sc. Biotechnology As per NEP-2020 30 35000 per semester
20. M.Sc. Medical Biochemistry As per NEP-2020 30 35000 per semester
21. M.Sc. Medical Microbiology As per NEP-2020 30 35000 per semester
22. M.Sc. Biochemistry As per NEP-2020 30 35000 per semester
23. M.Sc. Microbiology As per NEP-2020 30 35000 per semester
24. Ph.D. Biotechnology 22 125000 First year
100000 Second year
150000 Last year
25. Ph.D. Biochemistry 10 125000 First year
100000 Second year
150000 Last year
26. Ph.D. Microbiology 02 125000 First year
100000 Second year
150000 Last year
27. Ph.D. Medical Biochemistry 08 125000 First year
100000 Second year
150000 Last year
28. Ph.D. Medical Microbiology 02 125000 First year
100000 Second year
150000 Last year
29. D. Pharm. 60 90000 per year
30. B. Pharm 60 55000 per semester
31. B. Pharm lateral entry (2nd year) 06 55000 per semester
32. Ph.D. Pharmacy 01 125000 First year
100000 Second year
150000 Last year
33. B. Sc. (Hons) Agriculture 60 25000 per semester
34. Ph.D. Agriculture 26 125000 First year
100000 Second year
150000 Last year
35. BBA (Hons) Logistics As per NEP-2020 60 30000 per semester