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Our Ideals

Maryada Purushottam Lord Sri Ram

Our ideals are Rastranayak Maryada Purushottam Lord Sri Ram an epitome of Indian culture & values and an embodiment of valour, one of the unparalleled warrior of the medieval Bharat Veer Shiromani Maharana Pratap who sacrificed everything on the altar of his sovereignty, self-pride, religion and motherland.

‘जननी जन्म भूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी'

ever inspiring exclamation by Lord Sri Ram
Shree Ram Ji
Maharana Pratap

Maharana Pratap Ji

An epitome of propriety and ever reverberating exclamation of valorous Maharana Pratap

'जो हठि राखे धर्म को तिहि राखै करतार'

Are our ever remembered inspiring and motivating “बोधवाक्य/Motto”. The main aim and objective of 'Maharana Pratap Shiksha Parishad' is that the youngsters studying in our institutions, obtain up to-date, systematic and employment oriented knowledge/skill of their chosen discipline of science and arts so as to make them self-reliant and employable. The intended goal is achieved by educating and equipping our students with the latest knowledge and skill of the subjects chosen by them by employing and using latest modern teaching aids, techniques and tools which evolve them into smart, confident, employable, cultured, disciplined young persons. Simultaneously it is our endeavour to teach, train and groom them in such a way that they grow into useful citizens having highest moral and ethical values who could contribute and serve the nation & society with utmost zeal, integrity, dedication & devotion in a positive way.