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Proposed programs/projects of Mahayogi Gorakhnath University Gorakhpur:


The sponsoring body of Mahayogi Gorakhnath University Gorakhpur and its affiliated various other institutions working in various fields, function keeping in view the local needs in respect of education, health, agriculture, and employment etc..The University proposes to conduct the following main projects and programs keeping in view the local requirements:

Terrain regions of eastern U.P.& Nepal and western Bihar are flood-prone and water logging areas. Due to waterlogging and inundation, these regions face a lot of health-related problems and challenges. Encephalitis is one such example.In the light of above,one of the main effort and aim of the university will be diagnosis, treatment and research, related to such vector-borne diseases and other diseases which normally affects this region.

This area is primarily an agricultural region, even today very few employment opportunities are available in the region. Hence, to make agriculture an employment-oriented sector,university will undertake research and launch training programs to help guide and train local people in establishing a network of small-scale/cottage industries based on local agricultural produce. Simultaneously, university will conduct need-based workshops, launch training programs, organize awareness drives and result-oriented planning will be implemented and accomplished.

To create employment, university will undertake new projects and subsequently create new syllabi for providing requisite skills through various training programs and skill development.

The following schemes/training programs are proposed to be undertaken by Mahayogi Gorakhnath University Gorakhpur to help support farmers, women and make available skilled human resource for local industries: -

The sponsoring body in collaboration with its associate institution Mahayogi Gorakhnath Krishi Vigyan Kendra Chowkmafi (A Government of India sponsored body) will try to impart various types of training and undertake new research projects to increase the agricultural produce and to reduce the farming cost so as to increase the profit of the farmers and promote the use of technology in farming and other agricultural works.

To train, inform and educate the farmers, duly deviced training programs will be conducted regularly.

To make the women self-reliant they will be duly trained with well-researched skills to prepare agriculture-based products. They will also be assisted in marketing of products prepared by them.

At the same time our endeavor will also be to facilitate and make available health and agriculture-related technical know-how to establish local small-scale industries.