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The Maharana Pratap Shiksha Parishad

Twenty One point charter
for the Maharana Pratap Shiksha Parished by

Gorakshpeethadheeshwar Parampoojya Mahant Yogi Adityanath Ji Mahraj
Hon'ble Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh.

1. The institutions established and governed by Maharana Pratap Shiksha Parishad founded by Shri Gorakshpeeth should have unique and distinguished identity.

2. Vice Chancellor/head of institutions/principals/directors in-charges should present themselves as role models.

3. All the officers/members of the institutions should keep their institutions in their priorities, just as the way they think about themselves and continuously work for self-evolution and improvement, likewise they ought to have the same attitude and a sense of belongingress towards their institutions. The institution shouldbecome an integral part of their lives.

4. The modus operandi of the head of institutions should be transparent, unbiased and impartial.

5. Discipline is the backbone rather soul of any institution and is equally important and applicable right from the top to bottom line. Only a self-disciplined head of institution shall be able to pass on and inculcate the values of discipline and morality to the doctors, teachers, employees and administrative staff working with them. Therefore, a campus & work culture of self-discipline and morality needs to be developed, inculcated and incorporated in the day to day activities of the institutions.

6. Punctuality is the first and foremost condition in the observation of self-discipline. Hence, being on time at the institution and being available throughout working hours should be observed ritually and religiously in a disciplined manner.

7. Collectivism that comes from working with the team spirit in all the spheres of working should be developed in all our institutions.

8. At the beginning of each academic session, a detailed academic plan and calendar should be prepared and ought to be implemented and followed in letter and spirit throughout the session.

9. The anniversaries of great personalities and icons of various fields should be celebrated by organising cultural programmes, educating and enlightening students about their inspirational and motivational life story and their contribution towards the nation and society instead of declaring holiday.

10. On the eve of festive holidays, students should be made aware of the importance of celebrating that festival and the message inherent in the festival.

11. The libraries and laboratories should be modernised, updated and upgraded Regularly.

12. Use Modern and latest technology and tools in teaching.

13. There should be continuous and sustained effort to improvise and implement innovative ideas and new methods in teaching.

14. Holistic personality development of the students is one of the main goals of the educational institutions of Maharana Pratap Shiksha Parishad. Keeping this mission in mind and to achieve the desired goal a holistic conducive campus culture needs to be devised, developed and implemented.

15. Cleanliness is akin to worship. Educational and health institutions are basically service centres. These instans are like places of worship, therefore they should be kept clean and hygienic, just like one's own home, house, Ashram or Temple. Moreover, the trees, plants and vegetation etc. within and around the campus are naturd sources of oxygen, the most essential and vital ingredients for our life, therefore our instrutions should always strive to keep and maintain a good vegetation cover to ensure greenery in and around the campus Agen and dean salubrious campus provides a healthy, invigorating and inviting ambience to work and is a very essential requirement for a good working place.

16. Our institutions engaged in providing education, training and health services are also responsible for health, hygiene, informal education and sanitation etc. of the people living in the adjoining residential areas/colonies/villages etc. of the institution in addition to organizing public awareness drives regarding various national programmes, social and community issues. Students of our institutions should play an active role in such socio-cultural-informative and educative community activities.

17. Prayer assembly (National anthem, national song, Saraswati Vandana, Prayer to almighty etc.) is the guiding and ever inspiring activity of the institutions engaged in the field of education and training. Therefore this activity should be practiced every day ritually and religiously with utmost devotion and dedication.

18. Patriotism, love, affection and pride in one's own culture, reverence for one's own society, traditions, ethics and morality should necessarily be taught as life values in our educational institutions.

19. The heads of the institution should plan and prepare during the summer vacation w.r.t. all the formal and informal activities of their institutions for the upcoming academic session. All the development and maintenance work related to infrastructure should be carried out during summer vacation only.

20. Institution heads should have a meeting with teachers and staff before the end of the academic session to review the session and get feedback positive as well as negative if any. Evaluate, analyse and see if the annual plan prepared at the start of the session has been implemented and accomplished satisfactorily and if any gap is found, identify the cause and problem areas, address them and incorporate the same in the annual plan of the following session and take appropriate action in that regard.

21. The officers and members of the institutions should accomplish something new in the following day than the day before, learn and do something new every day than the preceding day, so that institution earns something new every day than the day before.