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Board of Studies

Board of Study

(a) Each degree granting Department/ Institute/ College shall have the Board of Studies of the respective discipline.

(b) The Board of Studies shall be constituted by the Vice-Chancellor and notified by the Registrar. It shall consist of —

  • (i) The Heads of the Department/ Director/ Principal -Chairperson;
    (ii) All teachers of the respective Department/ Institute/ College - members;
    (iii) One outside academic expert of respective discipline nominated by the Vice-Chancellor - member;
    (iv) One alumni representative of respective discipline nominated by the Vice-Chancellor which shall not be applicable in case of new programmes - member.

(c) The term of the nominated members shall be of two years. The Head of respective Department / Institute / College shall draw the schedule for meeting of the Board of Studies with the approval of Vice-Chancellor. The meeting may be scheduled as and when necessary, but at least once a year.

(d) The Board of Studies of a department in the University shall
  • (i) prepare syllabi for various courses keeping in view of the objectives, interest of the stake holders and regional/national requirement on the basis of model curriculum/ evaluation scheme provided by University. The scheme of examinations and evaluation for different courses, course structure and compulsory courses as prescribed by the University will be adapted as such. However elective subjects may be decided by the Board of Studies as per core strength and regional / national / international requirements after consideration and approval of Academic Council;
    (ii) suggest methodologies for innovative teaching and evaluation techniques;
    (iii) approve the panel of names of examiners for appointment of Internal/ External Examiners, Moderators, and Question Paper setters. These persons should possess the minimum qualifications as prescribed by Board of Studies;
    (iv) coordinate research, teaching, extension and other academic activities in the Department / Institute / College.